Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Report 2021

EstVCA, together with the Latvian and Lithuanian VCAs and Deloitte are glad to present the freshly published Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2021. The report was compiled for the third year in a row and brings out the Baltic PE/VC market landscape, key players and largest deals and looks into fundraising, investments (both inbound and outbound), divestments and much more.

A few highlights from the report:
  • 1.76B EUR raised since 2010
  • 269M EUR raised in 2021
  • 821M EUR dry powder by the end of 2021
  • 138M EUR worth of investments made in 2021
  • 270 deals made in 2021
  • 57 exits made in 2021
  • 53M EUR outbound investments 2021 alone
  • 142 investments outside of Baltics in 2016-2021

>> View the REPORT:
>> View the report launch WEBINAR RECORDING: link